Бортжурнал A.D.

12 ноября 2002 года (вторник)


14:07:12 12 ноября 2002

What's YOUR Writing Style?

brought to you by Quizilla

You are a freeform writer. Individualistic with a sense for the different and challenging, Walt Whitman and his poetry lacking meter and rhyme is just what the doctor ordered. You're quick to write something that the rest of the world doesn't accept as poetry, quick to separate yourself from the average joe. An author with a true sense of self, you have confidence in your abilities and aren't afraid to show it. :) GO YOU!

15:34:04 12 ноября 2002

Глупые тесты, хе..

Which Personality Disorder Do You Have?

brought to you by Quizilla

What Kind of Virgin Are You?

brought to you by Quizilla

You are most like Samejima Mamimi!
You are most like Samejima Mamimi! Chainsmoking photography and video game freak who spends all of your time under the bridge. You're supposedly in high school, as your uniform suggests, but it doesn't seem like you ever attend. Your boyfriend, Tasuku, is in America playing baseball, so you molest his little brother Naota instead. You live in your own world too much of the time. Stop setting buildings on fire.

И на закуску...

What kind of porno would you star in?

brought to you by Quizilla

Amateur movie! You might not be too experienced in the way of sex...but chances are, you do enjoy it (or the thought of it). We'll probably see you in some home video that surfaces on the internet one day.


<< Ноябрь 2002 >>


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