Бортжурнал A.D.

27 сентября 2002 года (пятница)


10:46:15 27 сентября 2002


     Великий человек Кузьмичев, сам того не подозревая, подтолкнул меня к.. то есть от.. края пропасти безумия. Как оказалось, любимая им химическая смесь под кодовым наименованием "Отвертка" замечательно прочищает мозги и возвращает мироздание в привычные рамки.
      Разумеется, пить ее в здравом уме строго противопоказано.

      Синие жабы no pasaran!

12:35:08 27 сентября 2002

     Before we can begin dancing with our cats, we must first make contact with them.


     We can't simply put on music and expect that our cats will dance with us. We have to first align our dynamic vibration systems with theirs and bring those systems into a kind of confluence before we can build the energy levels through the dance that are necessary to attain the higher vibrationary states which enable us to channel the infinite power of the universe.
     You see, human beings and cats are not simply physical bodies confined within a barrier of skin or fur. We are also made up of dynamic energy systems which extend out, and interact with, every other energy system around us.
     Once we open ourselves to this energy this, infinite power, we can allow the other energies to interact with ours and magnify them in a way which brings about feelings not only of vitality but also states of deep inner peace and quietude.
     Now we all know that our energy system — the human energy system — resonates on a different level from that of the cat, so what happens when we allow it to interact fully with a cat's energy structures.
     Well, exactly what you'd imagine.
     We create an initial discordance, a kind of intense friction which the laws of physics dictate can only resolve itself by producing a much higher energy level that is now compatible with both systems.
     That's why dancing with cats can result in such intense vibrational states and lead us to experience a deep sense of empowerment.
     Of course you may be lucky enough to own one of those rare cats that invites you to the dance by making a series of intricate leaps and flurries around you. One of those cats that's able to immediately bring it's vibrations into tension with yours and so instantly build the required energy.
     But for most of us it will be necessary to put in time doing at least one of the pre-dance energy aligning excercises that you'll find outlined in the book Dancing With Cats.


<< Сентябрь 2002 >>


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