Дневник Алекса Лапшина
6 ноября 2002 года (среда)

11:31:08 6 ноября 2002

Мозговые рыбаки

Прикинул, что сделал бы Карел Масик из Миядзаковских фильмов, подойди он к делу более ответственно:

Sky Castle Totoro Delivery Service from Valley of the Wind длиной в 88 минут. ^_^

12:05:26 6 ноября 2002

Страшная история от Shidoshi про Morning Musume ^_^

Воспроизвожу ее здесь, поскольку боюсь потери первоисточника.

Shidoshi Okay, something VERY weird is up. I rented the latest Morning Musume single a few days ago, and while looking at the cover, I noticed something: Tsuji (aka Aibon clone) was missing. I counted again, and indeed, sans GoMaki, there were still twelve girls present. I couldn't figure out what was going on. I then rechecked on Tsuji's kanji for her name, and using that, I then found her.

But the girl I found wasn't Tsuji. This girl didn't look like a clone of Aibon. This girl wasn't scary. This girl I was looking at was... dare I actually even say these words... cute. Tsuji must have been sick that day, and they needed someone to fill in for her. That was the only answer. That, or... going with Pro's theories, GoMaki, in one last outburst of violence, killed the real Tsuji, and they are hoping that nobody notices that she was replaced by a new girl.

I checked the inside of the single package, and found her picture again. I thought, maybe, it was a picture fluke - one of those times where, for some reason, a person looks totally different in one picture than they usually do. But no... the inside picture was the same way. She looked nothing like Aibon, nothing like her usual look, and by damn, she actually looked cute in the picture. Not cute in that bastard cute type of way that Aibon is, but honestly, real-life cute.

So the next day I was in the local 7-11, and I noticed a magazine with Morning Musume on the front cover. Ah-ha... a chance to see a different current picture of Tsuji and prove all of this just silliness. But it didn't work. I looked at the cover, and there she was again... looking totally different than usual. No, no, I flipped through the magazine like mad looking for a different picture of her. I had to find a picture of her that looked like the old her, to reassure me that something really odd wasn't going on. But I never found it. All of the pictures were the same, all of this new Tsuji, this different Tsuji.

It has to be a fluke. Next time I see pictures of her, she has to be back to the old, goofy Tsuji. If she isn't... I don't know what I'll do, because this Tsuji isn't scary, and I could actually get to like this Tsuji. And that, in itself, is scary.


Old Tsuji

New Tsuji

Is this what you mean?

Вот такая история приключилась, во.

Comment: Я не поддерживаю ненависти Shidoshi к Цудзи. Наоборот, то, что они с Айбон такие "клоны", меня радует. Ему надо просто смотреть больше шоу с ними -- они весьма удачно играют с этой своей похожестью. Причем Цудзи, в целом, артистичней и обаятельней. ^_^

13:57:41 6 ноября 2002

Индиана Джонс и Храм Косплея

Интересно, почему питерцы так против распродажи мерчендайза на фестивале косплея? Я свое мнение высказал.

18:41:28 6 ноября 2002


Все, уехал в Питер до воскресенья. На фестиваль. Пожелайте мне удачи. ^_^

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